Vero Beach Lions Club at Screening at Vero Beach Farmers Market Beach side
Lutz-Land O'Lakes Screening.
The Lions Diabetes Foundation of MD35 provides training for blood glucose screeners, serves our communities by providing educational material and FREE diabetes screenings for the public to help in the prevention of the leading cause of blindness in adults by identifying and referring potential diabetics. We support three Florida Diabetes Kids Camps for youngsters from around our Multiple District.
Lions clubs are encouraged to partner with healthcare professionals to carry out joint diabetes screening projects as a suggested activity as well as combining a test for diabetic retinopathy with glaucoma testing whenever such an activity is undertaken. Lions adhere to the appropriate healthcare laws and regulations that are in effect for their jurisdiction when conducting healthcare screenings. Many healthcare regulations require any blood tests to be conducted by a licensed healthcare professional.
Lions wishing to join us in our fight against the effects of diabetes through blood glucose screening should contact the Lions Diabetes Awareness Foundation of MD 35. You can contact Lion Norma Callahan at (386) 479-9896 or email her at Click here to be redirected to our Lions Diabetic Awareness Foundation of MD 35 website.